
  • works #201#

    = work #201 =

    This is an image that I created with Photoshop just for the background image of the vertical slide show of Victoria.
    Yes, I designed this after finished the slide show.
    So it of course is just for her. The collection of her images and quates.
    The hardest part on creating this image was the ripped paper on the top part.

  • works #202#

    = work #202 =

    In a pretty short time, I created it. This is an image for background of the horizontal food slide show.
    Since I already had some poster-liked food image, which I processed some of my photos of daily breakfast with Photoshop, setting the idea of the background was not hard. I processed an images of an restaurant in old days and wood frame to go with them.

  • works #203#

    = work #203 =

    These are the images I enhanced my photos of my own breakfast.
    With Photoshop I process the images to be poster like, or pop art style.
    Posterization, color half-tone and layer mask are on the process.

  • works #204#

    = works #204 =

    This is the banner of 300 x 250px 132KB I designed.
    Basing on the image of poster-like apple slice, I added one picture of slice of pie, and text and object.
    This is an advertisement for a cafe that inform applepies are available in a limited time.
    Apple pie tastes great. However, with the photos or illustration, it express itself moderately...Unfortunately, it never goes like a strawberry cream layer cake.
    So I placed a image of vivid color of fresh apple slices in front with the big size in order to add extra great-taste impression.
    Background gradation color certainly is autum-like.

  • works #205#

    = works #205 =

    This is 160 x 600px 43.6KB banner I created with one image.
    With the Photoshop, I copied and paste the part of mountain, added the snow below the snowboarder with brush tool, light beams wolf shape title and other text.
    For the advertisement of opening notice of ski and snowboard resort.
    As is the title, I want to leave the space of blue sky as large as possible to emphasize the endless height of the sky. For the same reason, I placed the title at the very top part, other text at the very bottom.

  • work #206#

    = work #206 =

    This is the 728 x 90px 116 KB banner I designed with Photoshop.
    The size of this is one of the most popular and used as a big ad banner. However, it at first was really hard to design layout becaues of the length - very long.
    I get used to design on the shapes of letter or square. Never on that longies .
    I put some object and text, and try to connect them with the horizontal town imagesand in order to wrap them up.
    Color gradation, pin lilght, opacity are the key skills I used on Photoshop.
    This is an ad for the River Sumida fireworks festival.

  • work #207#

  • work #208#

  • work #209#

    possibly comming

  • work #210#

    it might come in the future

inserted by FC2 system